John Nutter Glass

Architectural Installations
Nutter's original training in glass as an artistic medium took place in a traditional stained glass studio—mostly religious and residential windows—at a time when sand-blasted glass was mostly for signage. A growing interest in public art opportunities led to an investigation into more sculptural techniques, such as furnace casting and multi-layered carved glass installations.

Sand-blast carved panels with LED lighting

Detail - Sand-blast carved panels with LED lighting

Carved glass room divider

"Herons" carved glass window

Leaded and carved glass, coloured glass

Leaded coloured glass Wall Panel

Detail of Wall Panel

Carved sand-blast glass

Leaded coloured glass windows

Leaded coloured glass windows

Leaded coloured glass windows

Leaded coloured glass windows

Details - Leaded coloured glass windows

Details - Leaded coloured glass windows

Carved sand-blast glass eagle and canopy installation

Detail - Carved sand-blast glass eagle and canopy installation

Leaded stained glass lamp shade

Two leaded coloured glass windows

Carved glass, alder door, LED lighting. Showing cartoon, door during day and door lit at night

"Rebecca Spit" Carved Glass, Dichroic Glass

"Tree of Life" Carved Glass

Close-up - "Tree of Life" Carved Glass

Leaded Stained Glass (with Leo Mol - shown from outside

Leaded Stained Glass (with Leo Mol) - shown from inside