John Nutter Glass

As well as fabricating and installing his own work, Nutter has worked with many other artists and designers on numerous projects (see "About"). A long association with Haida artist, Bill Reid, introduced him to northwest coast First Nations artists interested in seeing their designs in glass. A chance meeting with NY artist, Shoshana Golin, resulted in a five-year collaboration to create 19 large stained and carved glass windows for Young Israel of Hillcrest Synagogue in Queens, NY

"Stations of the Cross" with John Edwards, Design Glassworks, Winnipeg. Artist - Etienne Gaboury

"Stations of the Cross" with John Edwards, Design Glassworks, Winnipeg. Artist - Etienne Gaboury

"The Last Supper" with John Edwards, Design Glassworks, Winnipeg. Artist - Etienne Gaboury

With John Edwards, Design Glassworks, Winnipeg. Architect: Michael Boreskie. Circa 1980

Artist: Carl Stromquist with Eagle Spirit Gallery, Vancouver

Carved glass disc. Artist: Patricia Pinsk

Carved glass disc

With Jan Bellamy

Artist - Winston Leathers. Restoration , framing and lighting by Prairie Studio Glass, Wpg.
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Artist - Winston Leathers. Restoration , framing and lighting by Prairie Studio Glass, Wpg.
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Cabinet Doors - artist Don Yeomans with Douglas Reynolds Gallery

Cabinet Doors - artist Don Yeomans with Douglas Reynolds Gallery

Artist Don Yeomans with Douglas Reynolds Gallery

Foyer - see flanking Cast Glass Totem Poles

Cast Glass Totem Poles

Cast Glass Totem Poles

Plaster patterns for sandcasting of Totem Poles

with Debra Sparrow (Hummingbirds) & George Pennier (Serpent & Sasquatch)

Glass column cover - with artist Val Malesku

Glass column covers - with artist Kail Simms

Glass column cover detail - with artist Kail Simms

Windows - with artist Shoshana Golin-Cahn Photo by: Steven Cahn
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Windows - with artist Shoshana Golin-Cahn Photo by: Steven Cahn
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Windows - with artist Shoshana Golin-Cahn Photo by: Steven Cahn
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Windows - with artist Shoshana Golin-Cahn Photo by: Steven Cahn
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Windows - with artist Shoshana Golin-Cahn Photo by: Steven Cahn
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Windows - with artist Shoshana Golin-Cahn Photo by: Steven Cahn
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Windows - with artist Shoshana Golin-Cahn Photo by: Steven Cahn
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Vancouver International Airport, Vancouver BC. In collaboration with Lyle Wilson